Butterfly pose, also known as Bound Angle Pose or Baddha Konasana, is a seated posture commonly found in Yin Yoga practices. In this pose, the soles of the feet are brought together and the knees are dropped out to the sides. This creates a diamond shape with the body and opens the hips and inner thighs. When held for longer durations, butterfly pose offers numerous benefits for yin yoga practitioners. In this article, we will explore butterfly pose Yin Yoga and outline its advantages.
What is Yin Yoga?
Before diving into butterfly pose specifically, it is helpful to understand the general principles of Yin Yoga. Yin Yoga is a slow-paced, meditative style of yoga that focuses on opening and stimulating the connective tissues of the body through passive, long-held floor postures. The asanas or poses in Yin target the ligaments, tendons, fascia, joints and bones with the aim of increasing circulation in the joints and improving flexibility.
Whereas Yang styles of yoga like Hatha and Vinyasa emphasize muscular engagement and fluid movement, Yin poses are held for 3-5 minutes or longer to gently “stress” the connective tissues through applied pressure. This triggers the body’s repair mechanisms to reinforce and rejuvenate these tissues over time. Yin postures are therefore deeply calming, restorative and therapeutic. Prop usage is also encouraged in Yin for maximum comfort and joint support.
Overview of Butterfly Pose

Now that we have established the basics of Yin, let’s focus specifically on butterfly pose or baddha konasana and its benefits.
To come into butterfly pose from a seated position:
- Sit up tall with the spine straight and draw the soles of the feet together
- Allow the knees to drop open to the sides into a diamond shape
- Fold forward over the feet with a flat back or remain upright
- Place hands on the feet or thighs and relax the shoulders
- Breathe deeply and focus on sensations in the inner thighs, hips and pelvis
Butterfly stretch can be done supine (on the back) as well but is most commonly practiced seated. Props like blankets and bolsters can provide extra padding under the knees or torso as needed. Those new to the pose may sit on a block or folded blanket to maintain spine length.
Butterfly is considered a hip opener in yoga because it primarily targets the inner thigh adductors and the outer hip abductors. When held for 3-5 minutes in Yin fashion, butterfly offers tremendous benefits throughout the hip area.
Benefits of Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga

Here are some of the top benefits of practicing butterfly pose for longer holds during Yin Yoga:
1. Stretches Inner Thighs and Hips
Butterfly pose exerts gentle stress on the inner thigh adductor muscles, encouraging them to relax and lengthen over time. The weight of the thighs pressing down also places traction on the hips, stretching muscles like the piriformis and hip flexors. This makes butterfly an excellent hip opener.
2. Increases Range of Motion in the Hips
Through its combination of traction and applied pressure, butterfly helps decompress tight hips and improve range of motion. Those with tight hip flexors or outer hip stiffness can gradually regain mobility and fluidity in the hip joints.
3. Aids in Childbirth Preparation
For women, butterfly pose is highly beneficial during pregnancy and can aid in preparing the hips and inner thighs for childbirth. The diamond shape of the pose mimics the shape required for delivery. Long holds encourage elasticity in this area.
4. Improves Posture and Spinal Flexibility
Opening the hips allows greater external rotation of the thighs which takes pressure off the lower back. This alleviates back discomfort and improves posture. Forward folding also increases spinal flexibility and range of motion.
5. Calms the Body and Mind
Like all Yin asanas, butterfly soothes the nervous system, lowers stress and Anxiety. Keeping the spine upright encourages presence and meditation. The hips are deeply connected to stored emotions which get released.
6. Therapeutic for Sciatica and Outer Hip Pain

Releasing chronically contracted hips, inner thighs and piriformis through butterfly can decompress the sciatic nerves and reduce sciatic pain and spasms. Outer hip muscles also relax reducing trochanteric bursitis.
7. Allows Energy to Flow Through the Hip Channels
In Chinese medicine, the hips open the kidney, liver and spleen energy channels. Butterfly frees any blocked energy to restore balance physically and emotionally. Stagnant hip energy is believed to manifest as fear, stress or anger.
8. Variations to Explore
Beginners can use strap around sacrum to help knees drop open. Place bolsters under knees for more support. For a deeper stretch, fold torso over legs farther, bringing forehead to feet. Rotate torso side to side. Vary hip distance.
In summary, butterfly pose held for extended periods as is done during Yin Yoga helps release tension in hip muscles and connective tissues. This increases mobility, comfort and range of motion through the hips, reduces back pain and sciatica, and promotes relaxation. Practiced regularly, butterfly pose improves flexibility, posture and mind-body wellness. Combined with other Yin hip openers, butterfly is extremely therapeutic for athletes, seniors and those with chronic tightness. By opening the hips, butterfly allows for overall free flow of energy through the body.
FAQs About Butterfly Pose Yin Yoga
What is Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga?
Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga, also known as Baddha Konasana, is a seated pose where you bring the soles of your feet together and allow your knees to drop outward. This pose resembles the shape of butterfly wings, and it focuses on gently opening the hips and inner thighs.
How do I properly perform the Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga?
To perform Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga, sit with a straight spine and bring the soles of your feet together, allowing your knees to drop towards the floor. Hold your feet, ankles, or shins, and relax into the stretch. Ensure your back remains straight, and you can use props like cushions for support if needed.
What are the key benefits of practicing Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga?
Practicing Butterfly Pose in Yin Yoga helps improve hip flexibility and mobility by targeting the hip adductors and groins. It also stimulates the abdominal organs, enhances circulation, and relieves tension in the lower back. Additionally, it can aid in relaxation, making it beneficial for stress reduction.
Can Butterfly Pose help with hip flexibility and mobility?
Yes, Butterfly Pose is excellent for improving hip flexibility and mobility. The pose gently stretches the inner thighs and groins, gradually increasing their range of motion. Consistent practice can lead to greater hip flexibility, making it easier to perform various yoga poses and everyday activities.
How long should I hold Butterfly Pose in a Yin Yoga practice session?
In a Yin Yoga practice session, Butterfly Pose is typically held for 3 to 5 minutes or even longer. The extended hold allows the deep connective tissues in the hips and groins to release and relax, promoting a more profound and lasting stretch.