Yoga offers a holistic approach to exercise that connects the mind, body and spirit. While yoga classes typically incorporate a variety of poses and sequences, yin yoga specifically targets the body’s connective tissues through seated, reclined and supine poses held for extended periods of time. One such pose, crocodile pose, provides numerous benefits that make it a staple of yin yoga sequences. In this article, we’ll explore the meaning and benefits of crocodile pose yin yoga.
What is Crocodile Pose?

Crocodile pose, or makarasana, is a reclined backbend that opens and stretches the chest and front torso. To come into the pose, you lie prone on your stomach with arms at your sides, palms facing up. Then you bend your elbows and stack your forearms and fists directly under your forehead, keeping the palms together. The forehead can rest on the stacked fists or on a block or bolster placed on the mat. The legs are extended straight back with the tops of the feet on the floor.
Once settled into the pose, you relax your shoulders down and back to open the chest. The belly and front torso receive a deep stretch. The hips, thighs and feet rest passively on the floor. Crocodile pose is considered a gentle backbend that creates space in the upper back and chest area.
In yin yoga, crocodile pose is often held for 3-5 minutes or longer to target the connective tissues. As a reclined pose, it offers the ability to completely relax and surrender into the shape. The extended hold time allows the body to relax around the stretch.
Benefits of Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga

Here are some of the main benefits of practicing crocodile pose in yin yoga:
Opens the Chest and Shoulders
The supported backbend shape gently opens the chest, front torso and shoulders. It reverses the hunched posture many people find themselves in during the day. Opening the front body and shoulder area can relieve built-up tension.
Relieves Upper Back Pain
By arching through the upper spine, crocodile pose creates space between the vertebrae. This can relieve compression and discomfort in the upper back and thoracic spine. People who suffer from poor posture, desk work or upper back tightness may find relief in this pose.
Releases the Diaphragm and Lungs
The supported upper backbend shape allows the rib cage to expand, releasing the diaphragm. This frees up breathing capacity in the lungs and improves functionality of the respiratory system. Holding the pose for several minutes enables the maximum release.
Calms the Nervous System
Crocodile pose puts the body in a restful, supported position. As a yin pose held for extended time, it activates the parasympathetic nervous system to calm the body and mind. The relaxation response counters the fight-or-flight stress response.
Integrates Shoulders and Spine
Stacking the forearms and fists directly under the forehead aligns the arms with the spine. This placement integrates the shoulders and arms with the back. It also avoids overstretching the shoulders, making it a safe pose for those with hypermobile shoulders.
Prepares for Deeper Backbends
As a gentle backbend, crocodile pose helps warm up the spine for deeper backbends. The upper spine extension can prepare the body for more active backbending like Wheel, Camel and Upward Facing Dog.
Soothes Headache Pain
The supported head and neck area is calming for those who experience tension headaches and migraines. The cradled head relieves pressure on the neck which can alleviate headache pain.
How to Use Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga Sequences

Here are some tips for incorporating crocodile pose into your yin yoga practice:
- Practice after backbend sequences since it offers a gentle counterpose.
- Include after poses that compress the front of the body like Squat or Forward Fold.
- Alternate between crocodile and child’s pose to target both back and front body.
- Pair with chest openers like Sphinx, Seal, Caterpillar or other reclined heart openers.
- Combine with poses that stretch the hip flexors and abdomen like Dragon or Shoelace.
- Hold crocodile pose toward the end of practice to encourage relaxation and integration.
- Support with props like bolsters, blankets and eye pillows to enhance comfort.
Overall, crocodile pose offers a therapeutic and restorative shape to release tension and calm the body. The long hold times in yin yoga allow the benefits to permeate gradually into the tissues. When practiced regularly, crocodile pose can help improve posture, ease upper back discomfort and relieve headaches. A daily yin yoga practice that incorporates this pose can enhance wellbeing.
FAQs About Crocodile Pose Yin Yoga
What is Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga?
Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga, also known as Makarasana, is a prone (belly-down) resting pose. It involves lying flat on the stomach with the arms folded under the head, creating a gentle arch in the lower back. Crocodile Pose is often used for relaxation and to neutralize the spine between more intense Yin Yoga poses.
How is Crocodile Pose different from other Yin Yoga poses?
Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga is distinct because it is primarily a resting and neutralizing posture. Unlike other Yin Yoga poses that target specific muscle groups, Crocodile Pose focuses on relieving tension in the lower back and promoting relaxation. It serves as a transitional or restful pose between deeper stretches.
What are the physical benefits of practicing Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga?
Crocodile Pose offers physical benefits by relieving lower back tension, improving spinal alignment, and promoting relaxation. It can help alleviate discomfort caused by prolonged sitting or standing. Additionally, it encourages deep breathing, which can enhance lung capacity and oxygenation.
Can Crocodile Pose help with lower back pain and discomfort?
Yes, Crocodile Pose can help alleviate lower back pain and discomfort. By gently arching the lower back and relaxing in this posture, it can release tension and reduce strain in the lumbar region. It’s particularly useful for individuals with minor lower back issues or discomfort caused by prolonged sitting.
Are there variations or modifications for Crocodile Pose in Yin Yoga?
While Crocodile Pose is relatively simple, there are variations and modifications to suit different needs. You can adjust the arm placement or use props like cushions or a bolster under the chest for added comfort. These modifications can make the pose more accessible or enhance its benefits.