The shoelace pose, also known as supta padangusthasana, is a fundamental pose in the yin yoga practice that offers numerous benefits for the body and mind. In this article, we will explore what the shoelace pose yin yoga is, its benefits, and how to properly practice it.
What is the Shoelace Pose?

The shoelace pose is a reclining hip opener that targets the hips, inner thighs, and lower back. To get into the pose, lay down on your back and bend your knees, bringing the soles of your feet together. Allow your knees to fall open to the sides as you bring your heels as close to your pelvis as feels comfortable. You can stay here with your hands by your sides, or reach through to hold onto both feet.
The name “shoelace” comes from the appearance of the legs and feet in the pose, crossed and stacked like tied shoelaces. It is considered a foundational pose in yin yoga because it gently stretches the hips, groin muscles, and lower back. The posture is calming and introspective.
The Benefits of Practicing the Shoelace Pose

As a grounding hip opener, the shoelace pose offers numerous benefits when practiced with care and awareness. Here are some of the main benefits of incorporating this pose into a yin yoga practice:
- Stretches the hips, groin, and outer hips. The position of the legs in the shoelace pose stretches and relaxes the deep gluteal muscles, hip flexors, inner thighs, and groin. It can help release tension in these notoriously tight areas.
- Calms the nervous system. By stimulating the hips, the shoelace pose helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system which controls relaxation and digestion. This induces a restful state.
- Releases the lower back. The gentle inward rotation of the hips and thighs massages and releases tension in the lower back and sacrum. It provides relief from stiffness and discomfort.
- Improves circulation. The stretch encourages blood flow into the hips and pelvis, improving circulation.
- Enhances flexibility. With regular practice, the shoelace pose can gradually increase flexibility in the hips and inner thighs. Maintaining openness in these areas helps promote mobility and range of motion.
- Supports meditation. The introspective nature of the pose lets the mind relax and turn inward. It establishes a feeling of tranquility that supports meditation.
Practicing the Shoelace Pose

When practicing the shoelace pose, there are some important alignment principles and tips to keep in mind:
- Come onto your back and hug both knees into your chest to prepare the hips for the stretch. Rock gently side to side if needed.
- Bend your knees and bring the soles of your feet together, allowing the knees to open to your sides. Find a comfortable distance between the heels and pelvis.
- Root down through your seat bones and shoulder blades. Relax your arms by your sides, palms facing up.
- Focus on relaxing the thighs, groin muscles, and abdomen. Breathe deeply into the hips.
- Option to stay here or reach through to hold both feet. Flex the feet toward your shins. Support the back of the knees if needed.
- Hold the pose for 3-5 minutes, breathing deeply and focusing on the sensation in your hips.
- To exit, gently release your feet, hug your knees into your chest, and rock side to side.
It is important not to force or struggle in the pose. Ease into it gently, honoring your body’s limits. Build the hold time gradually over several weeks. With regular practice, the shoelace pose can grant a deeper opening in the hips and inner thighs.
In Summary
As a fundamental hip opener with a myriad of benefits, the shoelace pose is an excellent addition to any yin yoga sequence. When practiced mindfully, it stretches and stimulates the hips, groin, and lower back to induce deep relaxation. The introspective nature of the posture calms the mind and nervous system, making it ideal for reducing stress or as a prelude to meditation. Start slowly, focusing on alignment and sensations. Over time, the pose will promote greater range of motion and tranquility. The simplicity of the shoelace allows you to go deeper within your practice.
FAQs About Shoelace Pose Yin Yoga
What is Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga?
Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga, known as Agnistambhasana, is a seated posture that involves stacking one knee on top of the other with the feet flexed. The aim is to align the knees and stack the ankles, creating a deep stretch in the hips and groins. It resembles crossed legs, emphasizing hip opening.
How do I properly practice Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga?
To practice Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga, start in a seated position. Bend one knee and stack it over the other, ensuring your feet are flexed. Gently guide the knees towards one another while keeping your spine straight. You can fold forward for a deeper stretch. Hold the pose for several minutes, focusing on relaxation and breath.
What are the key benefits of doing Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga?
Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga offers benefits such as improved hip flexibility and mobility. It targets the hip abductors and external rotators, aiding in releasing tension in the hips and groins. This pose can enhance posture, alleviate lower back discomfort, and promote relaxation.
Can Shoelace Pose help improve hip flexibility and mobility?
Yes, Shoelace Pose is effective for improving hip flexibility and mobility. The posture gently stretches and opens the hips and groins, gradually increasing their range of motion. Regular practice can alleviate hip tightness, making it easier to perform various physical activities and other yoga poses.
Are there any variations or modifications of Shoelace Pose in Yin Yoga?
Variations and modifications of Shoelace Pose include using props like cushions or bolsters under the hips to elevate and support them, making the pose more accessible. Additionally, you can experiment with different arm positions or props to deepen the stretch and adapt the pose to your comfort and flexibility level.