Home Yoga Yoga Calories Burned Calculator

Yoga Calories Burned Calculator

Yoga Calories Burned Calculator

Yoga is a great form of exercise that can help burn calories and aid in weight loss. However, the number of calories burned during yoga can vary significantly depending on the type of yoga, the length and intensity of the practice, and the person doing it. Using a yoga calories burned calculator can help estimate how many calories are burned during a yoga session. This article will examine how many calories yoga burns, factors that influence calories burned, and how to use a yoga calories burned calculator.

How Many Calories Does Yoga Burn?

The number of calories burned during yoga depends on several factors. On average, a 155 pound person will burn the following calories in one hour of yoga:

  • Hatha yoga: 149 calories
  • Vinyasa yoga: 237 calories
  • Power yoga: 314 calories
  • Bikram/hot yoga: 477 calories

So in general, slower forms of yoga like hatha and yin burn fewer calories, while faster-paced styles like vinyasa, power, and hot yin yoga burn more. But the exact number can vary significantly based on the factors discussed below.

Factors That Influence Yoga Calories Burned

There are several key factors that determine how many calories are burned during a yoga session:

Style of Yoga

Factors That Influence Yoga Calories Burned
Factors That Influence Yoga Calories Burned

As mentioned above, faster paced and more intense styles of yoga burn more calories per hour. Styles like power yoga and Bikram yoga burn the most, while gentle styles like yin and restorative burn the fewest.


The longer the yoga session, the more calories burned. A 30 minute yoga flow will burn fewer calories than a 90 minute class.


More strenuous sessions where you hold harder poses for longer periods of time burn more calories than easy, relaxing practices. The more effort exerted, the more energy used.

Body Weight

Heavier individuals burn more calories doing yoga than lighter people. This is because more energy is required to move a larger body.

Fitness Level

Those who are more fit and flexible tend to use less energy and burn fewer calories in yoga. Beginners burn more calories as yoga takes more effort for them.


As people become more experienced in yoga, they learn to move more efficiently between poses and expend less energy. Yoga newbies burn more calories initially.

Using a Yoga Calories Burned Calculator

A yoga calories burned calculator can provide an estimate of how many calories are burned during a session based on your body weight, style of yoga, and length of practice. Here are some tips for using a calculator:

  • Input your accurate body weight – this is key for calorie burn estimates.
  • Select the type of yoga practiced (hatha, vinyasa, hot yoga, etc).
  • Enter the duration of the yoga session in minutes. A typical class is 60-90 minutes.
  • The calculator will provide an estimate of total calories burned for the session.
  • Remember that calculators provide estimates based on averages. Your exact burn may be higher or lower.
  • Try using a few different calculators and compare results to get a reasonable estimate.
  • Consider your fitness level and intensity – adjust calories up if you are a beginner or worked very strenuously.

Here is an example yoga calories burned calculator:

  • Body Weight: 155 lbs
  • Yoga Type: Vinyasa
  • Session Length: 60 minutes

Estimated Calories Burned = 182

This provides a ballpark estimate for a person 155 lbs doing 60 minutes of vinyasa yoga. Someone heavier burning more intensity might burn closer to 250 calories in that time.

Can Yin Yoga Help You Lose Weight?

Yin yoga is a slower, gentler style that focuses on deeper stretching and relaxation, offering a variety of benefits beyond just calorie burning. Given its mellow pace, does yin yoga actually help burn calories and lose weight? Here is a look at the potential calorie burn and weight loss benefits:

  • Low calorie burn: Yin likely burns about <150 calories per hour given its slow pace and long-held poses. So calorie burn is lower than more active yoga styles.
  • Builds lean muscle mass: The deep stretches of yin yoga can help build some lean muscle mass, which boosts metabolism over time. More muscle = more calories burned daily.
  • Reduces stress: Yin is deeply relaxing and reduces cortisol levels, which may aid metabolism and weight loss efforts.
  • Improves mindfulness: The meditation aspect promotes mindful eating habits for long-term weight management.

So while yin won’t burn a ton of calories in each session, the increased mindfulness, reduced stress, and potential to build some muscle mass can support gradual weight loss over time when combined with a healthy diet. For those new to this practice, starting with Yin Yoga for beginners can be a good step..

Tips for Maximizing Calories Burned in Yoga

If your goal is to maximize fat burn and calories expended in yoga, here are some helpful tips:

  • Choose active Vinyasa, power, or hot yoga styles over gentle hatha or yin.
  • Maintain a vigorous pace by flowing steadily between postures. Avoid long rests.
  • Hold postures that engage major muscle groups for longer periods of time, such as Yin Yoga poses, to increase calorie burn..
  • Choose classes at the upper end of your experience level to keep intensity up. Moderate challenge.
  • Maintain focus and proper alignment during balance poses to increase exertion.
  • Engage core muscles fully during poses and breathing exercises.
  • Stay well hydrated before, during, and after class.
  • Consider weights or resistance bands to increase calorie burn potential.

With the right style and intensity, yoga can be an incredibly effective calorie burner, and practices like Yin Yoga for Chakras can also help balance your energy..


Yoga can burn a significant number of calories, with fast-paced styles like vinyasa and hot yoga burning over 400 per hour. The exact amount of calories burned depends on the style, duration, intensity, body weight, experience level, and fitness of the practitioner. Beginners tend to burn more calories as yoga takes more physical effort. A yoga calories burned calculator can provide reasonable estimates based on your body weight and yoga style. While not the most intense calorie-burning workout, yoga supports weight loss through building lean muscle, reducing stress, and improving mindful eating habits. With the proper style and intensity, yoga can be incorporated into a comprehensive weight loss plan.

FAQs About Yin Yoga Calories Burned Calculator

Can I use a general yoga calories burned calculator for Yin Yoga?

Yes, you can, but it may not provide accurate results. General yoga calculators might not consider Yin Yoga’s slower pace and longer holds. Using a specialized Yin Yoga calculator or one that factors in pose duration is more precise.

What factors does a Yin Yoga calories burned calculator consider?

A Yin Yoga calories burned calculator considers factors like your body weight, duration of poses, and sometimes heart rate. These calculators estimate energy expenditure based on these variables.

Is the calories burned in Yin Yoga significantly different from other yoga forms?

Yes, the calories burned in Yin Yoga can differ. The slower pace and longer holds might result in fewer calories burned compared to more dynamic yoga forms. However, it offers unique benefits beyond calorie burning.

Are there variations in calories burned based on the duration of the practice?

Yes, longer Yin Yoga sessions typically result in more calories burned. Extended pose holds increase the time your body works, potentially leading to higher energy expenditure.

Does the intensity of Yin Yoga poses affect the calories burned?

The intensity of Yin Yoga poses is generally lower. While the slow, deep stretches activate muscles, it’s not primarily a cardiovascular workout. Hence, the calorie burn might not be as high compared to more intense exercises.

How does body weight impact the calories burned in Yin Yoga?

Heavier individuals may burn more calories in Yin Yoga. Body weight influences energy expenditure. However, other factors like metabolism and pose duration also contribute to the overall calorie burn.

Are there online Yin Yoga calories burned calculators available?

Yes, there are several online Yin Yoga calories burned calculators available. These calculators consider various variables to estimate calories burned. However, remember that they provide approximations and individual variations exist.



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